This is an archive.

Graham Ottaway

This player plays for The Sws.


  Player Performance

Below is the performance for this player since April 2023.


matches played


frames played

7 (64%)

matches won

67 (60%)

frames won

Playing form for the last 12 frames is W W L L W W L W L W L W .


  Upcoming Matches

Below are the 20 upcoming matches set to feature Graham Ottaway. Click on a match to view more information.

Type Date Player Player

  Played Matches

Below are the past matches featuring Graham Ottaway. Click on a match to view more information.

Type Date Player Player Status
Plate KO Cup - Last 32
02/08/2023 Graham Ottaway 6 v 5 Barry Owen Won
Plate KO Cup - Last 16
09/02/2023 Aaron Thorpe 2 v 6 Graham Ottaway Won
Plate KO Cup - Quarter Finals
16/08/2023 Graham Ottaway 6 v 2 Wayne Crump Won
Plate KO Cup - Semi Finals
19/08/2023 Graham Ottaway 7 v 3 Callum Bishop Won
Plate KO Cup - Final
19/08/2023 Graham Ottaway 8 v 6 James Wilson Won
Group 11
Week 1 Graham Ottaway 7 v 3 Michael Goodwin Won
Group 11
Week 2 Neil Powell 5 v 5 Graham Ottaway Draw
Group 11
Week 3 Graham Ottaway 4 v 6 Dave Powell Loss
Group 11
Week 7 Graham Ottaway 3 v 7 Simon Griffiths Loss
Group 11
Week 8 Tom Young 1 v 9 Graham Ottaway Won
Group 11
Week 9 Graham Ottaway 5 v 5 Callum Bishop Draw

© 2023 - Richard Williams | Created exclusively for Newtown Pool League | v1.2.0